Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Love is an indescribable feeling that truly cannot be expressed in words.  It's a bag of emotions bottled up in the pit of your stomach that is felt when you have found the person that makes your life make sense.  It cannot be predicted and cannot be planned, but is something that just happens.  It is more than feelings, but becomes a thing of need.  You no longer just want to be with someone, but you NEED to be with someone.  
Love is invisible to the naked eye, but very apparent to the heart and soul.  It is unpredictable in many ways.  Sometimes when we are searching for it and waiting for it, it doesn't come, but when we least expect it, it appears brighter than a summer day.  It creates a bond that cannot be compared, but feels completely natural.  Many times it lingers even after the person is gone because your love for that person has become a part of you.
True love is a feeling that never leaves you and as long as you follow it, it will always point you in the right direction and lead you to eternal bliss.

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