Monday, September 24, 2012


Sometimes I just want to SCREAM!!!  My life isn't perfect and I get that, but fuck, at least I'm trying.  I'm sorry I don't have the financial stability that you do. I am sorry that I can't just do what I please or buy what I want.  Some of us have struggles.  Do you know what struggles are?  Well I do.  I live with struggles daily, but does that make me less human?  No!  In fact it probably makes me stronger than you.  I know how to survive without the fancy smancy shit.  I know how to survive with the bare essentials (and sometimes not even that).  Moreover, I have more struggles than just finances.  Can you imagine that?  Probably not.  My struggles don't end with the inability to go on a trip or to be unable to buy a LV purse.  Aint that some ish!  I actually have real problems in life, just like so many others.  I use to compare myself to you and others like you who had a good life, but realized that only drug my self-esteem down.  I can't compare myself to people who aren't of the majority view.  It used to make me cry, but now I just want to SCREAM!  My life is this.  Yes I struggle to make ends meet.  Yes sometimes my marriage is pretty fucked up.  Yes my growing up was nothing but different, but in the end, it is all what makes me ME.  It's my life and I'm grateful for what I have.  It took me a long time to learn that envy was the devil, but now I know.  So stop making me feel like SHIT and just realize, my life is not like yours cause you are seriously making me want to SCREAM!!!!!

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