Monday, September 17, 2012

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time I had a plan.  I thought I had my whole life all figured out.  My life made sense and a purpose.  Then one day it all turned upside down.  My "plan" was no longer.  I blinked for a second and found myself married, with a child and dropping out of law school.  Everything I prized myself about doing in life had changed.  My priorities had changed and without recognition.  It wasn't until I was in law school did I realize that the girl who wanted to once be an attorney, was now a mother and a wife who just wanted to make sure she did the best job she could at being a mom.  My new goal in life was to raise this amazing little girl into a dignified person of society and ensure that she has all the things that I lacked as a child, especially, a mother and a father.  For a long time, I thought without my "plan" I could not have a happily ever after; however, I now realize that my "plan" was no plan at all.  It was a path that I laid before me, but the true, unknown road, was designed for me by the man up above way before I even knew it.  He has created a plan and a road for me, that only now am I truly understanding and accepting.  His plan proved the better road because it created my beautiful love of my life, my daughter.  Although right now I don't know where he plans to lead me, I realize that my life did not follow the "once upon a time" I originally planned, but definitely can have a "happily ever after".

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