Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Pride is a devil that lives inside us all.  Most people are able to control it, but I am not one of the lucky ones. I let my pride get the best of me.  It chews me up, spits me out and when I look around, I've ruined it all.  All because of PRIDE.  Why can't I ever just back down?  Why is it that I need the last word and always be right?  Because of gosh darn PRIDE.  Pride you make me my own worse enemy.  I wish I could make you disappear for all eternity so that you would stop ruining things.  Too bad PRIDE doesn't have control over itself.  In fact I have control over my PRIDE, but still can't push it away.  Instead I use pride to push all that is good away from me.  In a perfect world Pride would be my friend.  We would be able to co-habitat and respect one another.  I really need to grow some and let my pride go so I can move on and forward with my life.  So in my last attempt here it goes:
"Hello GOD?  Are you there?  Can you hear me?  I really need your help.  I am self-destructing do to my pride and I need help.  I truly need to learn to let things go, to back down and to turn the other cheek.  I tried helping myself, but sometimes we all need to call on someone.  GOD, I'm calling on you.  HELP PLEASE."

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